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Program and National Board Exam Statistics

The National Board Examination (NBE) is a national evaluation of content knowledge needed to practice as a licensed Funeral Director or Embalmer. The exam contains two separate sections, a 170-item Arts section and a 170-item Sciences section.

National Board Examination pass rates, graduation rates, and employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available at in the Directory of Accredited Programs. You may request a printed copy of this program’s rates in person; at Mid-America College of Funeral Service, Admissions Office, 3111 Hamburg Pike, Jeffersonville, Indiana, 47130; by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 812-288- 8878.

The annual passage rate of first-time takers of the National Board Examination (NBE) for the most recent three year period for this institution and all ABFSE accredited funeral service education programs is posted on the ABFSE website

Program Information - Mid-America

YearTotal Enrolled# of New Students# of GraduatesTimely Graduates*Graduation Rate**Did Not Finish***Overall % EmployedEmployed in FS

* Timely graduation = complete program in 1 ½ times designated program length.
** Graduation rate reflects cohort graduation rate (% of students from original cohort completing in the designated year)
*** Left before completing the program; did not finish.

National Board Statistics - Mid-America

ArtsTakersSchool Pass RateNational Pass RateSciencesTakersSchool Pass RateNational Pass Rate

School pass rate is based on 1st time test takers within one year of graduation.
Contact the program directly for information regarding success of Distance Education graduates.

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