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Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory – Funeral Service Apprentice OR Licensee

Location: Radford, VA

Job Description

  • Meet with families to discuss funeral arrangements and provide guidance on available options.
  • Plan, coordinate, and conduct funeral services in accordance with the family’s wishes and legal requirements.
  • Obtain and prepare necessary documentation, including death certificates, permits, and other legal forms.
  • Oversee the care and preparation of the deceased, including embalming and dressing.
  • Coordinate transportation of the deceased to the funeral home, place of service, and cemetery or crematory.
  • Ensure the proper handling and storage of remains./li>
  • Manage the logistics of memorial services, viewings, and ceremonies.
  • Uphold the ethical and legal standards of the profession.

Contact Information

Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory
120 West Main Street Radford, VA, 24141
(540) 639-2456
Contact: Eli Mullins
(540) 639-2456

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